Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The Crow and the Pitcher

Ollie's Lesson was from the Aesops Fable, The Crow and the Pitcher.
Ashley drew the picture.  Pretty impressive I'd say.
Of course, Ollie wasn't impressed.

Lantern Walk

This was a magical night!
We started out with warm soup and fresh bread by candlelight.
We then lit our lanterns, which we had made earlier in the day, 
and began our walk out into the backyard while singing

The sunlight fast is dwindling,
My little lamp needs kindling.
It's beam shines far in darkest night, 
Dear lantern guard me with your light.

We reverently walked along our creek singing, until Ava pushed Ollie and made his candle go out.  Then Ollie started getting angry in classic Ollie fashion.

I was about to get upset myself, but then took a deep breath, and Ashley and I were able to turn it into an even more spiritual experience.  We talked to the kids about how sometimes, our candles, or our inner light, does go out.  But just as I relit Ollie's candle with mine we can help others, or ask for help ourselves, if our inner light burns out.

After we finished, we came inside for hot cocoa by candlelight.

It was a simple, quiet celebration and I loved it!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

St. Martin

I've wanted to teach my children using a Waldorf based curriculum, but I couldn't find the right one.
But I found it!  A Little Garden Flower!
It's only been a few short weeks, but I'm loving it.
I'm so happy to be embarking on this Waldorf journey with my kids.
I can't think of any other way I would want them to learn.
This is my chalkboard drawing of Saint Martin for Ollie's Main Lesson.

Tomorrow we will be going on our lantern walk, it will be our first, and I'm so excited!
Oh, so are the kids.