It's about this time of year that we all start feeling a bit crazy.
(I feel crazy fairly often, but this is a different kind of crazy)
We let ourselves believe that Summer is just around the corner, it is after all, Spring.
But we forget what Spring at 6000 feet in Utah means.
It means that on April 1st, it is hot. Play at the park without shoes and get sweaty and sunburned, hot.
April 2nd, the wind starts blowing. Hard.
April 3rd dawns with snow. Inches of snow.
And on April 4th, with half melted white patches still on the ground, we play outside.
We pretend it didn't snow, and we pretend it's not cold.
Because, for goodness sake, it is April 4th, and it is Spring, and every inch of us is yearning to feel the sun on our faces and the grass tickling our toes.
So this Mama and her three little ones, will continue to live in denial.
Doesn't it look like Spring to you?
Is that a barred rock hen? We have lots of barred rock chicks right now. We haven't had this kind before. They are so pretty.